Just a few days after my last post, I celebrated my 29th birthday with friends from all over the world. In the afternoon we got a tour of the German Parliament building. The photo above was taken at the top, which is supposed to have a beautiful view of the city. However, of course the day we went it was cloudy and rainy. The festivities continued with a party back at my flat, where I heard a number of versions of "Happy Birthday" and a variety of other songs in a lot of languages I have yet to master. We kept ourselves entertained for hours singing, dancing, and playing some pretty hilarious games (I think Su takes the cake on giving all of our abdominal muscles a workout from laughing so hard). Turns out our group is loaded with many talents. Some of you should form a group and go try to make some money from all of those tourists here in berlin =)
Last weekend our class returned from a four-day "field trip" to Geneva, Switzerland, where we visited a number of international organizations working in the health field to hear about their work. Allow me to give you a quick tour.
World Health Organization: Where the magic happens.

The Global Fund: To fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
(No, we didn't visit Ralph Lauren)

Celebration the last night with the Charite gang
Killing time walking around the old city before heading to the airport
We also visited UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency), International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent, and UNAIDS. I won't bore you with more photos.
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