With just over one week of the core course under my belt, I am already trying to find a way to put off doing what I should be doing - be it studying, trying to plan out which advanced modules I would like to apply for, or continuing to develop my research question for my thesis. I have found the perfect thing - updating my blog.
Our class is going well...quite an interesting mix of people. Our class consists of mainly doctors, with a couple of pharmacists mixed in, along with one of each of the following: biologist, parasitologist, dentist, nurse (that would be me!), and a social scientist. There are 32 of us, coming from a total of 20 different countries - Argentina, Austria, Bosnia, Burkina Faso, Germany, Ghana, Great Britain, Greece, India, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Myanmar, Pakistan, Russia, Switzerland, Thailand, Uganda, and of course, USA.
Thus far we've been filled full of theory - discussing research methods, international health in general. Tomorrow we dig into more of the medical stuff, starting out with Malaria.
I continue to be frustrated with the language, and I continue to have horrible run-ins at the super market. For example, just last week I was yelled at by a man terribly upset with me, for trying to be respectful of the man in front of me. I had just unloaded my arms (there were no carts available, so I was carrying my things), placing my items onto the conveyor belt. I held them back just for a couple of seconds while the guy in front of me unloaded his cart. Up walks the man behind me, yells some terrible sounding at me, throws (yes - THROWS) one of the little plastic divider things in front of my things (when I put my things down I couldn't yet reach them since they were way up by the cashier). he then shoves my stuff to the side, knocking a few items to the floor (he is unconcerned by my things now laying at my feet). He then places his things on the belt and continues to mutter in German. People can be so pleasant! I always love the shopping experience here...
(Yes, we were those people taking pictures on the U-Bahn...)
Last Friday the coordinators of our program invited us to a dinner out - the best Thai food I've had in a long time! Some of us decided to head out for a drink at the Oktoberfest tent that had been set up in the city. However, upon arrival (at something like 10:45pm) they had already closed down. Who closes an Oktoberfest tent that early?? Well anyways, we made do at a joint on the corner instead.
Well, that should do for now.
Well, if it would do any good for your parents to holler at you to "GET TO WORK!" we'd do it. But,we so enjoy reading your blog!! :)
Mom and Dad
¡Annie-póngase a sus estudios!
Mom & Dad
wow, impressive mom and dad! next will you attempt german??
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