Just over one week ago (it feels like at least a month has gone by...) I took my first oral examination in my life to finish up the Core Course (covering Tropical Medicine, Public health, and Epidemiology) of my masters program. 'Twas a bit nerve-wracking, however it went much better than expected, but man am I happy it's over and done with. Our class celebrated with a farewell party last Tuesday, as we all move away to continue with the Advanced Modules at other institutes. We have continued to celebrate having our lives back throughout the week by meeting up for dinners, visiting Christmas Markets, attending Christmas concerts of friends, etc. And as strange as it may sound, I'm loving the snow-covered winter! We've had snow now for a bit more than three weeks. It's been years since I've been around for a full winter season. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to tolerate it, but so far so good! (moving to dark and depressing Bergen might be a different story though)
What 2011 has in store for me...
I'll be completing my modules in Bergen, Norway (a research course, one on HIV and another on Tuberculosis), then I will head to London in February were I'll take a course on nutrition and public health, and another that deals with issues faced by children living in difficult circumstances (political conflict areas, living on the streets, orphans, child abuse, child labor, etc.). I then plan to come back to Germany to take a course in Heidelburg on consultancy skills in evaluating health systems and programs in international health. Should make for an interesting and busy four months. But I'm really looking forward to it.
Then, it's back to Honduras to work on my thesis, which has yet to be solidified. But will more than likely be focused on HIV positive adolescents. And, if I'm lucky, maybe a visit to the mid-west before heading down there?? We'll see how my bank account looks when it comes time! I think life in Bergen and London for a few months is going to make quite a dent in my savings account...not the cheapest cities in the world to live in. that's for certain.
But, more short-term...
Tomorrow I take a train to Hannover, just about 2 hours from Berlin. A wonderful friend, and colleague from the NPH medical team (and his girlfriend who I had the pleasure of meeting nearly one year ago in Haiti) has invited me to spend a true German Christmas with his family. I'm not sure what all that entails, but I will soon find out.
Back to Berlin for New Year's Eve, then on to visit more friends (2 doctors i worked with in Honduras in 2007/2008) in Bavaria, then possibly to another dear friend and colleague from the NPH medical team, which just might involve some skiing in the Alps! Hopefully I come out of that alive.
So as you can tell, now that our course has come to an end, I have my life back, and am loving having some freedom to spend time with friends nearby...some that I have not seen for years. Friends from the Core Course...we all grew in many ways over these past few months. I am so happy to have gotten the chance to meet and work with you during this course - even in the group work projects ;) will miss you all as we go our own ways, but I look forward to seeing some of you in the modules and in other places around the world!
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, and I wish you all the best in the coming year!
So excited to hear about Norway! Give me a good analysis, because I always think of it as the ideal country in which to live . . . but never been there!
Hey Annie, say HELLO to Gerhard and Silke if you visit them! hope you are doing well in germany!? und, wie geht`s mit deutsch?? todo bien? :-) gutes neues Jahr 2011 y muchos saludos desde Austria! Eva
1. Sarah - you're crazy. I still don't understand how you can live in darkness like that. I'd lose it. But sure, I'll let you know how Norway is!
2. Eva, haha, mein Deutsch ist schrecklich!! Wish I would've had more time to learn. I will certainly say hello to Silke, Gerhard and family for you! Hope you had a merry christmas, and happy new year to you as well! saludos a ti y a marco tulio!!
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