I arrived back to Central America the day after Thanksgiving - just in time to arrive to the home in Honduras for Quinceaneros, a yearly party for all boys and girls that turned 15 within the past year. Two days later I had the priviledge of traveling to NPH Guatemala with two soccer teams (boys and girls) from Honduras, for the Annual NPH Soccer Tournament. The purpose of my travel was actually for work - I met up with another member of the Medical Services team, with the goal of working on preparations for our Annual Medical Workshop, which is to be held next April, in a town just outside of Antigua, Guatemala.

I am proud to announce that the Honduras boys team brought home the Cup (photo above), the girls finishing in third place (out of the 5 Central American countries that were able to participate). The week was a lot of fun - reuniting with some friends and kids that I met in Guatemala when I was there last year, and also reuniting with friends from El Salvador. The kids really like getting to meet kids from other homes, and learning about the other countries and their homes.

Photo to the right - when I was in El Salvador last October, I had made a bet with Irma (university student from NPH). I bet the Honduran girls would win, and she bet on the El Salvador team. The loser had a wear a jersey from the other country - the original bet was that it had to be worn for a week without washing it. As you can see by the photo, Honduras won! I was nice on her and didn't make her wear the jersey the whole week, however she did have to wear it during the Honduras vs. Salvador boys game the next morning. I figured that was harsh enough. For the record, the Honduran boys won that game as well.

Photo above - me with my Salvadoran girls.
Photo at right - Tony (house director El Sal), myself and Barrasa (coach for both Salvador teams) showing our support for El Salvador
1 comment:
Hi. This is ALison(you met me when me and Casey were going to ballet). This is a really cool blog.
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