Well friends, it's true - I've made it into one of the two main newspapers in Honduras yet again. This time however, it was my face (in 2 photos) and not just my feet. Last weekend Monica and I went to the fair in Zambrano with two great friends, who are university students from NPH. Zambrano is a town located 36 kilometers from Tegucigalpa, the other direction from the Ranch. It is the town that Denis is from, and he invited us for the weekend to stay with his sister and her family.
The photo in the upper left corner is of the 4 of us playing a game, and on the right page is a terrible photo of me after being completely freaked out - read on.

The evening proved to be quite eventful - we rode a Honduran Ferris Wheel. Sounds hilarious that we were all quite scared to get on it (for reasons other than the simple fact that it was put together in Honduras). Denis and Jairo had never been on one before. While watching it before getting on, we all 4 at the same time said "wow, it's going really fast!" I know it sounds like an oxymoron to say that a ferris wheel was moving quickly - but seriously, the seats would whip around once they reached the top. We all got off feeling a little ill. But GREAT experience. (photo to left - Jairo holding onto the Ferris Wheel for dear life)
We followed that up by going to see the main attraction at the fair - the "spider girl"!! Oh, it was hilarious. It was front page news the next morning. It was the strangest thing I've ever seen in my life, and I have absolutely no idea how they did it. It looked completely real - her face was exactly like a human face. Jairo actually touched it and said it felt real. I'm sure it was somehow a machine, but I just can't figure it out. So it was this human head, with a spider body. Once we were inside, we were all given the opportunity to touch it - I was the last one. I for some reason was feeling bad about laughing and freaking out about it, almost like I was momentarily believing it. I felt wrong about touching her face! Haha!

Anyways, so I ran out of the little shed where she was kept, and of course the reporters were RIGHT there waiting for me, taking my photo and asking me why i was so scared. haha, so hilarious.
So it was a fun weekend. Friday night I stayed at the Maya (fancy Honduran hotel in Teguc - pool, "luke-warm tub", saunas and all) and spoiled myself, then a group of us went out for a night on the town. Saturday we went to Zambrano and stayed at Denis's sister's house, which was the nicest home I've ever been in down here! Her and her husband built it themselves. Two story, beautiful home. Sunday we went back to Teguc and I stayed another night at the Maya with Monica (nice because that way we split the cost of the room!!) Monday we ran around and got Christmas shopping done, and got back to the Ranch early afternoon.