I can hardly believe I have less than a week left here at NPH El Salvador. The time has just flown by - there's much to be done, but some of it might just have to wait until my next visit in January.
There's a group from Friends of the Orphans, Northwest, visiting the home now. It's a group of sponsors to children here. They took their god children to a nearby partk today, and invited my boss and I to go along with them just to get out for a bit. I was thankful for the distraction - it got me out of a little bit of work on this fine Saturday. It was kind of a bad day to spend at the pool, however, we took full advantage of it anyways. We immediately jumped in, then went right on to playing some mud volleyball. The photo above was taken after my team completely dominated. Just FYI, my team consisted of the girl in the pink shirt on my left shoulder and the girl in the front wearing yellow. Rina and Mercedes. Our team was "las mamis" and the other team "las flores" - the three of them are sisters, last name being "flores".
Work in the clinic is going pretty well. There's been a chickenpox outbreak at the home since I've arrived. My whole time here so far, there's been at least 15 children admitted to the clinic at any given time. Here are some pics that I thought we just too cute to not post. The little guy in the middle in the photo on the right is one of my favs by far.
Well, here's a short and sweet update for you all. I take off for Honduras next Saturday, the 25th, just in time to get to go on an excursion with a bunch of the kids I've worked with over the past years in Honduras. Then, Monday the 27th I board the plane in Teguc, and pray for the best!
I'll see some of you very soon.
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