check out these rainbow throwing chimneys i captured out my kitchen window yesterday.
these last few weeks top the list of my best weeks yet in berlin/europe. i was able to spend lots of time relaxing, finishing a book, hanging out with friends, and enjoying the city. trying to savor it all before heading home in just over a week.
...a cook-out on the terrace of classmate's flat, a house-warming party, brunch at a friend's place, baleadas at my place, a cook-out in the park in friedrichshain and out for a drink afterwards, the best homemade mexican dinner night yet, sangria at treptower park, strolls along the river, old man jazz at zosch, taking in the body worlds exhibit, hitting up street markets, and more.
BUT this next week is bound to be even better! my sister arrives tomorrow morning, and we will do out best to live up this last week in germany before heading back to the US on the 25th. my european adventure has been just that...and i am sad to see it come to an end, but am excited about the things to come.
until next time...