Saturday a group of us took off for Voss, home to the nearest ski resort, which is just an hour by train from Bergen (an absolutely amazing view from the train - right along the lake and snow-covered mountains with the sun shining brightly). One group hit the mountains to try out the snow (several on skis for the first time ever!), and another smaller group hit the hills on foot (myself included). We were in search of Bordal's Gorge, however, we unfortunately did not find it. We decided to turn back prematurely due to extreme temperatures (even our eyelashes and hair were freezing) and a general lack of "umf" among our group. We at least had a really nice hike, and saw some beautiful scenery along the way. Not to mention, the ice cold (literally frozen by the time we got to the bottom) Hansa beer we cracked open once we decided to not continue climbing. Here are some photos for your viewing pleasure.
Just one week left here. Hope the weather stays decent so I can enjoy the last days.